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Monday, March 12, 2012

To those of you that have delightfully stopped by and I thank you for the nice comments also! I did not intentionally 'stop' posting and I am hoping to get much more 'serious' in doing so! During all of this - last post as I said I was back I went back down - but in a "good way"! I just moved into a much better space, it gave me a nicer place to set up my painting tables and movable (with wheels) craft table. (It was a small square island for the kitchen in my farm home - but in this apt, it's a wonderful, wonderful piece to add.) I haven't quite gotten pictures 'yet...' I'm still unpacking but I'm so very close, so very close. This ordeal has seemed to have taken months. Sadly... I had to move instead of being so very excited about getting to paint, paint, paint. But I think this is well worth it. I'm beginning to be much happier. I also have done some writing, and I can slide that in here as well if there’s and interest. I do so love to collect quotes!!! The book I published has been about 10 yrs. ago although there are thoughts on others with the new programs out. Well touching base. Please know I do have those vintage ads and all the other things I have promised. Even the digital scrapbooking to share. I most love to paint. So my heart is there for now. Does anyone have a Cricket? I need an original vinyl to put on my new wall! Any suggestions???

The one I choose I will give away the spring/summer digital scrap layouts and elements to the person that has left the comment if they are following my blog. And I'm so sorry I can't give you a sneak peek - I don't think you'll be disappointed...

Have a great week!

Hug you - Judy

1 comment:

Connie said...

Enjoy setting up your new apartment. Change can be so fresh and wonderful. It's spring, put some tulips on your kitchen table, enjoy the newest of the season. Looking forward to seeing more watercolors after you get unpacked and settled in. Have a great day! Connie